Thursday, 25 October 2012

Is the smartphone killing photojournalism?

We're excited to be hosting a panel discussion during Internet Week Europe 2012. We're going to be at The Hospital Club in London, on Tuesday, 13th November, from 6pm to 7pm.

Book your place now (links to eventbrite)

We'll be exploring the impact of crowd-sourced pictures that are increasingly finding their way into our news, and the effect that is having and will continue to have on photojournalism.

You can expect a lively discussion chaired by Simon Walker, our CEO, Founder who worked for The Times for 20 years as a photographer and News Picture Editor before striking out into the digital world. He will be joined by Roger Tooth, Head of Photography at The Guardian, Eddie Mulholland, an experienced photojournalist working for The Daily Telegraph and Olivier Laurent, News and Online Editor at the BJP (British Journal of Photography). 

Places are limited so please book your free ticket as soon as you can to avoid disappointment.

Is the smartphone killing photojournalism?

Tuesday, 13th November, 18:00 - 19:00
The Hospital Club

Book your place now (links to eventbrite)

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

And our winners are....

The waiting is over, and the verdicts are in.

We’re very excited to have picked out the four winners, one from each of our categories and one grand prize winner, and contacted them all to let them know.

So who won? Well, glad you asked....

In Celebrity

Andy won with one of his pictures of Queen, with Adam Lambert, playing live. We’ve had a number of live music pictures, and we’d love to see more, but on this occasion it's this picture that proved to be the most popular.

In Reality

Pictures of rallies and marches can offer a wealth of photo opportunities, and Kofi’s set uploaded of last year’s Right to Live march proved to be the winner in this category. If you’ve been on or are expecting to be at a similar event soon, big or small, then don’t forget to capture and share it.

In Locality

Most popular picture doesn’t seem like the right phrase somehow when we received a couple of pictures of a stranded dolphin that had to eventually be put down to prevent it suffering further. But the story of its struggle attracted lots of attention, making sure this local story travelled further than it could have done otherwise.

And our winner is.....

We received a number of pictures that we felt could have won, and it was only after much deliberation that we settled on our winner. Congratulations then to Greg, for his picture of the Brandenburg Gate during the Festival of Lights in Berlin.

We loved the way this photo combined an iconic building with a moment of news, and proved to us that it's not essential to have pro-equipment to make the news.

During the voting, we had to sort through a number of notable entries though, and these were some of the others that we felt were worthy of highlighting as they kept us debating the winner for so long:
This distinguished gentleman and his ride at The Dirty Burger caught the eye of the team for it's curious subject matter.
Conor Maynard on-set at E4's crush - great shot, and precisely the sort of thing we want to see more of. Backstage, onstage or on the high street, we definitely want to see your celebrity pictures.
The Olympics provided a wealth of images, and this from Rohan was amongst our favourites for it's capture of an action shot like this, but being such a well-documented event may have counted against it in the end. 
This Cuban man with a chicken was amongst the candidates for our grand prize winner too. It's a beautifully composed image, but we weren't sure if the chicken in the lap of a man was "news" as such in Cuba. Judging by the looks on their faces it all seems perfectly normal to them.

Congratulations again to all the winners, and if you didn't win this time, keep an eye out for more opportunities in the near future.

And of course, keep making the news!

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Nearly winning

The winner of the iPhone 5 and the one-day workshop has nearly been announced!

In less than three-and-a-half days, the doors will slam tight shut, all entries will be reviewed, and the golden envelopes will have their secret announcement of victors placed carefully inside. Metaphorically speaking, of course. We will probably announce winners in electronic form of some sort.

Anyway, it's not too late win any of the prizes available, but you will have to upload and share you very best news pictures to stand the best chance possible. (full details here)

And remember, this is not a competition for the most megapixels, so pictures from your compact camera, your mobile phone or your fancy DSLR are all equal as far as we are concerned.

Just join Glopho (if you haven't already) and start sharing those pictures! And Good Luck!

Monday, 8 October 2012

The Final Countdown

We're into the last week of competition to win the fabulous iPhone 5, gloriously unlocked and network-free in anticipation for your SIM-card, along with a full day workshop with an award-winning photojournalist.

And that's not to mention the three other £250 value prizes!

All entries up to midnight on 14th October will be accepted so get snapping and don't hold back! (full details here)